303 WoodWorks is now Solterra Workshop!

It is with great excitement and a touch of sadness that we are announcing 303 WoodWorks is no more.  From here on out we will be known as Solterra Workshop.

We had a great couple years in the Denver area.  Not only did we learn a ton about the craft, marketing and management, but we had a great time doing it!

Over the last year or so we have been quietly working on a huge change, We are building a new home and shop in gorgeous Colorado Springs!  Along with that comes a 50% larger shop and an additional 400 sq ft room in the basement dedicated to finishing and storing our projects.

While we will definitely continue to be a part of the Denver market, the name 303 Woodworks just didn’t seem appropriate anymore. After many many hours of research and study we settled on the new name, Solterra Workshop. 

Not only is this name less geographically limiting, but it also better represents the balance between woodworking and crafting seen in our work. At the same time we have adjusted the logo, colors, and overall image to better fit the customers we hope to serve. 


Ambrosha Maple & Blue Epoxy Serving Boards